We are exploring challenges and opportunities while taking action to create positive community change.
We are exploring challenges and opportunities while taking action to create positive community change.
The Community Reinvestment Coalition—Englewood SW is dedicated to strengthening families and revitalizing the Englewood District in Lucas County, Ohio, through strategic economic and Community Development. Our resident-driven approach empowers individuals to lead change, fostering affordable living and neighborhood enhancement. To empower African American boys and men by promoting leadership, mentorship, and violence prevention initiatives that address systemic challenges in underserved communities, specifically those affected by gun violence in Toledo.
Please register for our upcoming conversation!
We envision a thriving and resilient community where African American men and youth are empowered to lead change, neighborhoods are safe from violence, and economic opportunities flourish. This future will be achieved through sustained mentorship, leadership development, and collaboration between local leaders, law enforcement, educational institutions, and community organizations, ensuring that systemic challenges are addressed and every resident is equipped to contribute to the revitalization and growth of the Englewood District and beyond. We can build a resilient Toledo!
Let's build a resilient Toledo, one conversation at a time.
Rob "RC" Louis, Moderator, Gifted Musician, Entrepreneur, and Community Activist, takes us on a journey with Ben Tankard, who went from a basketball injury to becoming a bestselling gospel and jazz musician. Ben Tankard is a former professional basketball player, an American gospel/jazz keyboardist, producer, songwriter, and author.
Ben dropped out of college after one year to play minor-league professional basketball in Canada. He was invited to an NBA camp but was injured and cut. Ben rebounded from his basketball injury to become a bestselling gospel and jazz musician. Recently inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. He is also a motivational speaker for the NBA, suit designer (big and tall), pastor, record label president, aircraft pilot/owner, and reality television actor.
Click the image to review this exclusive interview!
Kathleen holds a seat on the Juneteenthny National Advisory Board and is newly appointed Regional VP US Coalition of BWB. Through urban strategies, leadership, and training initiatives, Kathleen Greely, Founder and Executive Director of Englewood SW, embraces transformative change in local communities while increasing the quality of life through workforce development collaborations in the community and regional partnerships in spaces where diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice include residents, civics, the public, and the private sector.
Click the image to view Kathleen's latest interview!
St. Martin de Porres Parish has been awarded a $40,000 grant to launch a resident-driven leadership training program and a job readiness program for the Englewood neighborhood. This initiative collaborates with the Community RE Investment Coalition Englewood SW and Robinson Elementary. Serving over 275 students and their parents for the last two years at Robinson Elementary, where 81.7% of the student population identifies as Black or Non-Hispanic and 33.3% have disabilities, we addressed significant challenges such as poverty, trauma, neglect, and health disparities using a holistic, community-centered approach. Supported by the Greater Toledo Community Foundation grant, we partner with organizations like Ohio Means Jobs, Pathway, Inc., NAACP, Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (IMA), Ternion Training & Education Center - Toledo Campus, and United Way African American Leadership Council to provide comprehensive job-readiness and placement resources for residents. Over 2,500 individuals have benefited from our programs, which include:
Juneteenthny Toledo Celebration 2024
We are celebrating freedom and honoring Black history. Juneteenth NY Toledo Celebration and Workforce Development delivered a vibrant six days of activities presenting numerous opportunities to strengthen economic and community development in the Englewood | Junction Districts and surrounding communities of Lucas County. Our focus in Toledo, Ohio, is equity around employment, education, and health, as well as a resident-driven leadership program and workforce development opportunity for the Englewood neighborhood residents.
The Black Kings Awards were established to recognize the achievements and leadership of African American men in Toledo who have made significant contributions to their communities. Over the years, this community has been absent of succession planning, and our recognition has evolved into a platform that addresses broader issues such as mentorship, leadership, and violence prevention.
With sufficient funding, we are committed to uplifting African American men and youth and providing them with the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. Our programs offer a platform for meaningful dialogue, reframing narratives, and developing actionable solutions.
Our Black Kings Awards | Black Prince Mentorship and Leadership provides a transformative model for leadership development. We are building a safer, more inclusive community by fostering trust, promoting collaboration, and empowering grassroots organizers and youth.
Together we can build a resilient Toledo!
We would love to hear from you! 1120 Horace Street, Suite G11, Toledo, Ohio 43606 You can eMail us at admin@englewoodsw.org Call us at (419) 405-3550
Copyright © 2021 Community RE Investment Coalition Englewood SW is a nonprofit public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under section 501(c)(3) EIN 85-2315330. All donations are tax-deductible. All rights reserved.
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